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  • Writer's pictureムームー レインボー

Story of customers who purchased campaign Furoshiki

Currently, we are selling Campaign Furoshiki because we want you to try Hawaiian Furoshiki. This is Furoshiki Hawaii, but since I'm just getting started, I'm often unfamiliar with it, and the other day, a customer who placed an order said, "I paid, but I haven't heard from you." We updated our workflow and fixed the problem right away.

Even though it was a problem report from the customer, there were some nice words that we want to share. That customer was from our past Muumuu Rainbow user who came before Corona. She said that it was a very good memory for all her relatives to choose Hawaiian costumes at the Muumuu Rainbow.


Since March 2020, the number of customers has continued to be zero. While in that situation, we were allowed to have connection with customers who had previously connected with Muumuu Rainbow. I felt so fortunate to have a way to be reconnected again. Furoshiki does "tie" and wraps important things. It would be great if we could connect not only rental costumes but also wonderful "En" in different ways. "En" in Japanese means "Having a Connection."

I think there are still some immature areas, but I would like to continue to promote it with the support of everyone. If you have any matters, concerns, or opinions, please feel free to send us a DM or message on Facebook or Instagram. We will also inform you of new products, so please follow us from below.


We will continue to help connect Japanese culture and the rest of the world.

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