Furoshiki Hawaii
Aloha Gift Wrapping Cloth
You can shop at our store in Waikiki
What is Furoshiki?
Reusable Gift Wrapping Fabric from Hawaii.
Furoshiki is a reusable gift wrapping cloth and can be used for not just wrapping but also bags, table cloth, bandanna, table napkins, and many more .The versatility and reusing concepts are for sustainable idea.
We make Furoshiki using beautiful and colorful fun print Hawaiian fabrics and enjoy Hawaiian prints in many ways!
It is great for gift by itself.
Souvenirs for returning to Japan from Hawaii and Hawaii items that can be easily and easily incorporated in Japan.
여기서 밖에 살 수없는 집념이 담긴
Made in Hawaii 보자기 전문점
We Ship All Over the World. Enjoy Shopping from Anywhere!
You can purchase our Furoshiki & Dog's Shirts from Muumuu Mall.
You can also visit our store in Waikiki.
You can shop at Muumuu Rainbow.
Use Furoshiki in Many Different Ways!

For Interior
Colorful Hawaiian pattern can be easily enjoyed as a fabric board as an interior accent art piece.

As a handkerchief that is easy to use for both men and women as a gift or for yourself
An item that makes you feel Hawaii.
Bandanna & handkerchief

& Napkins
Incorporate a Hawaiian pattern into your usual dining room and you'll instantly get a bright Hawaiian image.
It's fun to change depending on the meal.

For furniture protection
As a rug on a sofa.
When a pet or child sits down, it can be quickly opened indoors or outdoors.

하와이 일본이 자랑 할 수있는 문화
하와이와 일본 문화의 융합과 환경 의식 향상을위한 노력을 융합 문화를 통해 임해 가겠습니다.
하와이 제품인 것으로 일본인의 마음을 전해가는 것, 하와이 문화의 마음을 전해가는 것이이 제품을 통해 전하고 싶습니다.
하와이 빈티지 원단을 사용한 보자기와 하와이의 디자이너들과의 콜라보레이션으로 탄생 한 원단을 사용하여 보자기를 만듭니다.
또한 하와이의 보자기를 통해 해변 청소, 불필요한 비닐 봉지를 줄여 동물들에게도 안심 인 환경 조성에 기여를 목표로합니다.
하와이 보자기 통해 일본에 있으면서 하와이를보다 가깝게 느끼고 상세 대처를하겠습니다.
Furoshiki Hawaii (Inside Muumuu Mall)
Business hours: Mon.-Sun. 11:00-16:30 (Open Everyday)
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